The video created by MeanGreen Media for Martha's Table is a celebration of the non-profit organization's work in the Washington, D.C. area. The three-and-a-half-minute video showcases Martha's Table's initiatives to end the cycle of poverty by providing food, education, and clothing programs to children, families, and homeless people.
This video was an excellent tool for Martha's Table's fundraising event, it effectively told the organization's story and mission, and inspired viewers to support the organization's efforts to end the cycle of poverty in the D.C. area. Thes video also announces Martha's Table's new center in the Hillsdale neighborhood, highlighting the organization's commitment to expanding its reach and impact.
As the lead on the project, I was involved in all aspects of the production, from planning to on-site filming, camera assistance, video editing, coloring, and motion graphics. ​​​​​​​
It was an honor to collaborate with Martha's Table, and the satisfaction of working on a project that supports such a noble cause is evident in the final work.

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